Fish & Fisheries

"New Count Of Gray Whales Along West Coast Suggests Rebound"

"A new count of the gray whale population along the West Coast shows “signs of recovery” five years after hundreds of them washed ashore and the population began declining, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric [Administration]."

Source: Seattle Times, 04/02/2024

"Spinning, Whirling Fish In South Florida Prompt Emergency Response"

"The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is launching what the agency described as an emergency response effort in south Florida after emerging reports of smalltooth sawfish spinning, whirling and displaying other abnormal behaviors."

Source: Guardian, 04/03/2024

"Water Companies In England Face Outrage Over Record Sewage Discharges"

"Water companies in England have faced a barrage of criticism as data revealed raw sewage was discharged for more than 3.6m hours into rivers and seas last year in a 105% increase on the previous 12 months."

Source: Guardian, 03/28/2024

Award-Winning Beat Reporting Highlights Legacy of Environmental Racism

Top-flight regional reporting (and data analysis) that explored inequities between Black and white communities around Baltimore, Maryland, yielded journalist Scott Dance a wide range of stories — and a first-place prize in the most recent awards from the Society of Environmental Journalists. Dance, now on the climate desk for The Washington Post shares insights from the beat in the new Inside Story.

SEJ Publication Types: 

‘Dangerous And Abusive’ Conditions In Indian Shrimp Industry: Report

"Noriko Kuwabara was excited to try a new recipe she’d seen on social media for crispy shrimp spring rolls, so she and her husband headed to Costco’s frozen foods aisle. But when she grabbed a bag of farm-raised shrimp from the freezer and saw “Product of India,” she wrinkled her nose."

Source: AP, 03/22/2024


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