Fish & Fisheries

"Farmers, Tribes Reach ‘Historic’ Klamath River Deal"

"The Interior Department on Wednesday announced an armistice in the battle over the Klamath River, unveiling an agreement between farmers reliant on the waterway for irrigation and tribal nations seeking to restore the region’s fisheries."

Source: E&E News, 02/15/2024

Horseshoe Crabs, Living Fossils Of The Sea, Draw Endangered Species Petition

"Environmental groups on Monday petitioned the U.S. government seeking endangered species protection for the American horseshoe crab, a "living fossil" under threat from commercial harvests for bait and biomedical use as well as from habitat loss and climate change."

Source: Reuters, 02/14/2024

Seafood Firm Wants To Farm Octopus. Activists Say They're Too Smart For That

"Octopuses are capable of sophisticated tasks, from solving puzzles to decorating their dens to remembering people's faces. So when a company in Spain announced that it wanted to commercially farm octopuses to harvest them for seafood, the plan sparked an uproar."

Source: NPR, 02/08/2024

"Hungry Sea Otters Are Helping Save California’s Marshlands From Erosion"

"The return of sea otters and their voracious appetites has helped rescue a section of California marshland, a new study shows. Sea otters eat constantly and one of their favorite snacks is the striped shore crab. These crabs dig burrows and also nibble away roots of the marsh grass pickleweed that holds dirt in place."

Source: AP, 02/01/2024

Latest EPA Data Shows Stubborn River And Stream Nitrogen Pollution

"The nation’s rivers and streams remain stubbornly polluted with nutrients that contaminate drinking water and fuel a gigantic dead zone for aquatic life in the Gulf of Mexico, according to a recently released Environmental Protection Agency assessment."

Source: AP, 01/22/2024

Largest Deep-Sea Coral Reef To Date Mapped By Scientists Off Atlantic Coast

"Scientists have mapped the largest coral reef deep in the ocean, stretching hundreds of miles off the U.S. Atlantic coast. While researchers have known since the 1960s that some coral were present off the Atlantic, the reef’s size remained a mystery until new underwater mapping technology made it possible to construct 3D images of the ocean floor."

Source: AP, 01/19/2024

"A Potentially Huge Supreme Court Case Has a Hidden Conservative Backer"

"The Supreme Court is set to hear arguments on Wednesday that, on paper, are about a group of commercial fishermen who oppose a government fee that they consider unreasonable. But the lawyers who have helped to propel their case to the nation’s highest court have a far more powerful backer: the petrochemicals billionaire Charles Koch."

Source: NYTimes, 01/17/2024


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