Fish & Fisheries

"Maryland Hails ‘Remarkable’ Year For Young Oysters In The Chesapeake Bay"

"There’s still a long way to go, but oyster recovery efforts in Maryland’s portion of Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries continue to show promising results, state officials for the agency charged with monitoring the mollusk ecosystem said."

Source: Washington Post, 01/16/2024

"Many Laws to Protect Sharks Have Backfired, Researchers Find"

"Many of the policies enacted around the world to curb the mass killing of sharks have backfired, partly because well-intentioned rules against taking the predators solely for their fins have led to an increase in demand for shark meat, according to a study published on Thursday."

Source: NYTimes, 01/12/2024

"Norway Moves to Allow Seabed Mining Exploration"

"The Norwegian Parliament voted on Tuesday to authorize the opening of parts of the Norwegian Sea to seabed mining exploration, a move that reflects rising international demand for the metals needed to build batteries for electric vehicles worldwide."

Source: NYTimes, 01/10/2024

Analysis: "‘Forever Chemicals’ Contaminate America’s Freshwater Fish"

"A recent study from The Environmental Working Group found that just one serving of fish can be equivalent to a month of drinking water contaminated with 48 parts per trillion of the common chemical PFOS."

Source: Washington Post, 01/05/2024

Environmental Digital Storytelling — A Best-in-Show Sampler

As part of its periodic survey of the compelling work by digital journalists using data and multimedia, Reporter’s Toolbox looks at some favorite projects in the last year or so. On the list are granular maps and spinning globes, compelling photo essays and clickable storytelling. But the heart of the best digital journalism, Toolbox reminds us, is that it matters. And these do.

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U.S. Offshore Wind May Not Stay Becalmed for Long

While the first offshore wind turbine started sending power into the U.S. grid just last month, and the renewable power source has enthusiastic support from the Biden administration, the industry has been slowed by politics, high interest rates and supply chain problems. But the latest Issue Backgrounder explores why offshore wind can be expected to succeed.

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